Archive for the ‘Anglesea’ Category

Surf Coast Times Column. The principal or the interest? 20.08.15

With this week’s column, if your eyes glaze over after the second paragraph I certainly won’t be offended.

It’s about whether you should have a principal and interest loan or an interest only loan. I know..yawn. However if you are fortunate enough have a prime residence (your home) and an investment property and happen to have mortgages on both then it’s important that you have your loans correctly set up.

For those … Read the full post »

Surf Coast Times Column. Time on market 06.08.15

I wrote an article some months ago about timing the market. In a real estate sense that often means buying at the right time, selling at the right time and sometimes often both. When it comes to the selling part of this equation, what will affect your end result more than correctly timing the market is actually the time you spend on the market once it becomes available sale. Days … Read the full post »

Great Ocean Report July 2015

Each year we use our Great Ocean Report in July to look at the performance of the Surfcoast property market for the previous financial year. We have witnessed a very active market, resulting in low stock levels of property for sale as we write. There is obviously a seasonal element to this, being in the middle of winter, but overall buyer demand remains consistent this year on the … Read the full post »

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